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Welcome to

the fearless female entrepreneur Podcast

Welcome to the podcast hosted by Katerina Kormas, certified mindset and confidence coach.

I invite you to join me each week for conversations with entrepreneurs as they share their real, and honest journeys, as well as powerful tips, insights, and expertise to help you build a business that gives you the life of freedom.

In solo episodes, we will deep dive into topics around mindset, business, a balance life, money, and what it takes to have a truly joyful and abundant life.

So grab your favorite hot beverage, your headphones, and a journal and let’s jump in! 

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Grab your favorite hot beverage and your headphones and liste in on your favorite podcast platforms including Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast and iHeart Media Podcast.

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Hey, I’m Your Go-To Coach + biz bestie

Hello, I’m Katerina, a dedicated mindset and confidence coach specializing in empowering ambitious female entrepreneurs. With a cup of coffee perpetually in hand (seriously, it’s practically my life elixir), I’m on a mission to help you banish imposter syndrome, embrace your intuition, and confidently & strategically steer your life and business toward joy, abundance, and success.

I am here with the knowledge and strategies to merge your skills and experiences with an aligned mindset to bring about your heart-centered vision. 

So, grab your favorite brew, settle in, and let’s sculpt your unique success story.

Hi there!