
You’re results are in!

Hello Lovely!

Your results are in and it’s great news….

You're a Fear Fighter!

Grab your shield and sword and activate your inner Wonder Woman because you’re READY to leave fear aside, embrace Success, and make a massive income and impact in your business! 

Nothing is stopping you now!

Everything you dream of is on the other side of fear, you’re so close….

Let’s celebrate your natural talents

You are a visionary. You have big dreams and can see what’s possible for you.

You have Energy. You know how to use your energy to drive yourself forward and keep going until you get to where you’re going. 

You are Determined! You have your eye on the prize and you won’t let anything get in the way of your success!

Now it’s time to use your incredible talents to get fearlessly visible in your business, share your business and your offers with the world, start working with clients daily and experience the ease and success in your business.

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But I totally get it, it feels like your dreams are so out of reach at the moment.

You’re taking all the action, learning all the strategies, but coming up against thoughts like:

What if I fail?

What if this doesn’t make any money?

What if no one wants to hire me?

What if people think I’m a fraud?

What if people judge me?

What if I don’t know enough?

Everyone else is succeeding, why isn’t it happening for me?

Are my offers even good enough?

I totally get it.

You’re all in on this dream business and just wish there was a sure-fire strategy (and maybe a crystal ball) that will ensure that you are meant to be successful, that everything will work out like you planned, that clients will be pounding down your door to work with you and you’ll be rolling around in a tub full of money.

Here’s the secret to that wild and wonderful vision:

If you start to work on shifting your mindset around failing and your dream not working out, and harnessing the power of your natural talents (that clear vision, high vibe energy and determination), then the income and impact you dream of is just round the corner. 

It’s all in how you perceive things and understand why your mind is defaulting to fear of failing to protect you.

But no worries, sweet friend!

I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help turn your fear of failing, being judged and it not working out, to embracing inevitable success and retraining your brain to see all the progress you’re making and the possibilities you’re moving towards.

Are you ready to learn your personalized mindset shifting formula?

Then read on my friend.

What if I fail? Oh, but darling, what if you fly?

For You!

Your personal mindset shifting formula

I call this the Fear Fighter Method

The best way to fight your fear is to disprove it’s bogus claims, and start leading with an entirely different paradigm around failing and succeeding that will empower you to take confident action and make decisions, not based on it not working out, but on it all working perfectly.

(I mean, who ISN’T ready to stop entertaining fears around failing so they can make space, time and energy for succeeding and enjoying their business!)

here’s 3 steps of The Fear Fighter Method to massively shift away from your fear of failing.


Be Aware

 Currently, your fear of failing is wreaking havoc on your mindset AND sabotaging your actions. You may not realize this but your fear – of it not working out, not knowing if you’ll achieve your goals and how your offers will land with your dream clients – is actually what’s calling the shots and driving your decisions in your business.

The first step is to recognize how your fears are hindering your growth. Some ways your fears are stopping your progress include: not taking action at all, procrastinating, waiting for everything to be PERFECT, and looking for the sure-fire ways to succeed like downloading and buying all the cookie cutter strategies (Hello, totally guilty of spending thousands on these “guaranteed” success strategies that are still sitting in my inbox!). 

The secret is to Identify where your fears are holding you back and where you are trying not to fail versus working towards success.  


Flip the scripT

 Instead of what if you fail, ask yourself why you ARE going to succeed. 

Yes, it gets to be this simple!

Start looking for all the ways you ARE meant to do this work, why people will buy from you. 

Ask yourself, what if you succeed? What does that look like? And if things don’t go perfectly the first time, how will the result (even if not desired) still be a success for you? What will you have learned?

Remember Success and Failure are learned metrics. They aren’t real. We get to determine what the outcomes really mean for us. We can choose empowering thoughts or disempowering thoughts.


Embody the change

It’s so easy to get excited about a change and go all in for one day. I can’t even tell you how many brand new journals I have started for a new transformation only to run out of energy to make the change a few days later. 

The key is to take small consistent steps each day to really embody the change you want to make. 

Each day that you embody this work leads to the next day that it’s a part of you, empowering you to the next day.

So, each day, BE the person that has what you want. Ask yourself, what would the ME that already has the success I desire do today. What does she believe, what actions does she take, how does she handle set-backs, how does she learn and grow from challenges?

(If she’s already succeeding, she isn’t taking up time and energy worrying about it not working out, because it’s already working out!)

Dust off your own collection of journals and get to work becoming your most magnificent, successful, FEARLESS version of yourself!


For You!

Download the fear fighter workbook

Here is a gift just for you. The Fear Fighter Workbook will walk you through reframing your thoughts and beliefs so you lead with an unwavering confidence in each action you take. It includes powerful journal prompts and daily habit shifts that will transform how you show up for you and your business each day!

hi there!

Wondering who the girl is behind these tips?

Someone that has been where you are right now, walking the walk, working to become a more FEARLESS and fulfilled entrepreneur. 

Boy, do I know the struggle. The desire to make an impact, help my clients feel confident and design a life of freedom and abundance, but hitting resistance over and over again because of my fear of failing. Fear it won’t work out and people will judge me as the girl that couldn’t succeed while everyone else was living their dream life.

Been there, done that, have the t-shirt.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Katerina. I’m a mindset and confidence shifting guide for ambitious female entrepreneurs. My heart and soul calling is to help women, like you, feel fearless and confident in their business, so they can make the impact and income they dream of.


For years, I approached my business from a frantic fear of it not working out. I bought all the courses and the sure-fire strategies that would map out the guaranteed success.

I made decisions in my business leading with my fear of failing.

I limited how I showed up, what I said, and how I interacted with my dream clients, so that I would not push people away. 

I held onto stories that if my business didn’t succeed, if I didn’t earn a certain amount in business, if my offers didn’t sell, it would mean I failed, that I didn’t have what it took, that I didn’t know what I was doing. 

It made it harder and harder to sell, to offer new services, and to show up.

It was tiring to constantly take action to avoid failing instead of taking action believing I would succeed.

I felt tethered to fear and my business felt heavy and I was stuck in a cycle of STUCK energy.

And then the Magic happened…

I started working on shifting my stories and fears, seeing my past experiences from a new light, identifying and acknowledging my fears for what they were – lies and stories I told myself.

I did the deep inner work to re-visit my stories and define them in a way that supported my growth and journey, and were valuable learning experiences even when things didn’t “succeed” as planned. 

I started approaching my mindset around launching offers in my business from a totally different place by creating my own safety net and being able to hold and handle the times things didn’t work out in a way that wasn’t based in fear, while going out and moving towards success.

I decided I was willing to “FAIL” so that I could Succeed.

I spent time learning the mindset of launching and selling in my business, so I was showing up leading with an energy of inevitable success and not dread of failing. 

I started using a formula to create a mindset of success that allowed me to hold undesirable results while I succeeded. A mindset that allowed me to embody what it would feel like to succeed, so I attracted in success instead of leading with failing.

That is how The Fear Fighter Method was born! Now it’s your turn.

Your confidence corner

Here are some resources curated just for you to help you expand what’s possible for you in your business, by releasing what’s holding you back and embracing the success you’re ready for.

Personalised affirmation for Your next level self:

I am invested in my journey and trust myself to learn, grow and expand along the way. 

Journal prompt to help with your transformation:

What if you couldn’t fail? What actions would you take today? How would you lead with confidence knowing you were meant to succeed?

Book recommendation:

 You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Next Steps

The Fear Fighter Workbook

Download The Fear Fighter Workbook to ignite your inner confidence and reframe your throughts and beliefs so you can claim your next level success in life and business. 


You have the vision and the drive, now you are ready for your next BREAKTHROUGH towards your goals and dreams.  Let’s discover your next mindset shift and aligned strategy that will ignite your forward movement and progress. Book a free Momentum Call today.


Grab your coffee and listen in to your weekly dose of empowering conversations, mindset and paradigm shifting insights, strategies, and soul connecting truths to help you ignite your inner fearlessness, so you can create the life and business you desire.

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