Step outside your comfort zone

8 Ways for Getting Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Ever wonder about the ways for getting outside your comfort zone, especially when you have big dreams on your heart and it all feels extremely daunting? 

I recently hosted a journaling workshop at a retreat where we worked on clearly identifying our heart and soul desires and working through all the emotions, feelings, limiting beliefs, and fears that came with that big vision.

The workshop exercises triggered conversations around the feeling of “impossibility” or “wishful thinking” tied to their visions. 

One attendee described her vision as “the truth comes out!”

Most of us know what we desire, what goals we want to achieve, what we want our lives, businesses, careers, etc. to look like, but doing it and creating something different can feel scary and overwhelming.

Here’s what happens….

We tend to keep ourselves in our own little box of what we know, and what we were conditioned to experience. It can feel foreign to think we can have these bigger life experiences that we see others achieve. 

It doesn’t seem real or possible.

In some ways, it isn’t possible for you right now, but only because you can’t SEE the possibility from the vantage point and current circumstances of where you are right now.

Most of the time it’s because doing what you are doing right now is getting you the results you have, but to completely have a different experience, you need to do new and different things, have new experiences, develop new skills, gain new knowledge, overcome new challenges that may seem scary, uncomfortable or hard. 

Our internal “wiring” feels safe with the beliefs, knowledge, experiences, and stories we tell ourselves each day. We create this nice little safe box of possibilities that seem attainable because our mind and nervous system feel they have evidence of what is safe and possible to have. 

There is a predictability to what we currently know, think, believe, and do. Even if all of it is holding us back.

We are also fantastic creatures of habit making it hard to even take one step that feels different or out of the norm. 

To have something new and different, to step INTO your next big goal, you need to learn and experience new things.

Here’s a great example: 

If you are in a job earning $50,000, but you desire to have a business earning $100,000, there are countless learning curves that need to happen – different ways money can flow to you, feeling worthy of money, learning about business, feeling confident in your skills and expertise, getting fearlessly visible, setting up systems so people can buy from you over and over again. 

It takes time and patience to put it all together, and won’t happen overnight. It takes doing new things and being patience as you start to become someone new. 

You need to adopte new habits you commit to on a daily basis. It requires adopting a growth mindset and welcoming in new perspectives.

Here’s an example of how I stepped out of my comfort zone:

I have been working out with a personal trainer since February. I love working out and have worked out in some capacity since I was in college, whether it was step aerobics, yoga, pilates, light weights, gym memberships. 

My initial reason for signing up with a trainer was to lose weight. I went in knowing I was already going to be uncomfortable going to a new gym which is why I hired a trainer to walk me through and get me comfortable.

But, I had never stepped foot in a heavy weight lifting gym. Here I was totally beyond my comfort zone, just wanting to shed 15lbs. All of a sudden I was surrounded by men and women deadlifting 200+lbs!

I thought, “No way will I ever want to do that! That is impossible for me!” 

I didn’t think I would be capable, since I have a nice, soft “fluffy”, body, not a shredded, toned, or athletic body. 

10lb dumbbells used to be so heavy for me, until I started lifting weights. I am now deadlifting 115lbs!

All of sudden what was possible for me completely changed. I find myself wanting to reach new heights with my fitness. I can see my muscles toning, I have more energy, I am less fatigued, and I have more capability with daily functional movements. 

What was once an impossibility, where I thought I wasn’t capable, became intriguing, fun, someone I wanted to become.

It took a single step and getting out of my comfort zone – joining a muscle building gym – to have a domino effect on new dreams and goals. Ultimately creating a new version of myself.

And, it all boosted my confidence.

NOTHING boosts your confidence more than doing something you didn’t think you could do or even dreamed of doing! 

And, nothing opens up more possibilities and opportunities for you either.

The path to any dream is the same, no matter how big or small. It requires you to do, think, believe, and act differently in any given moment. 

You need to grow and change. 

It requires you to find yourself in uncomfortable situations, work through your initial fear, make small changes and get comfortable in the uncomfortable. 

You too can own a multi-million dollar home like in Selling Sunset (I’m currently binging it right now!), or a cottage by the water, or have a thriving business or find the perfect romantic partner, or run a marathon. 

I know you might be thinking…but how can I take the first step? 

Below I am breaking down 8 ways for getting outside of your comfort zone. When you focus on these 8 steps, your big vision and new goals will feel less daunting and more approachable. 

I think of them as little moments of discomfort instead of jumping all in.

These 8 steps will help you embark on new adventures while also working with your mindset and nervous system so that you don’t freak out and close yourself off from where you desire to go.

8 Ways for Getting Outside of Your Comfort Zone

1.Know Your Vision – Like a GPS, you need to have a destination in mind. You need to know exactly where you want to go and what goals you want to achieve – not a vague idea. You need a specific goal. This will give you an idea of the gap between where you are now and where you desire to be. It also challenges you to see outside the box. 

Dare to dream – even if your initial thoughts are “wishful thinking.” If you don’t dream it, you can’t work towards creating it. You won’t ever take the first steps. 

Want some guidance for creating your dream? Download the BECOMING Quarterly Journal and Planner and spend time doing the Dream Journal exercises.

2. CREATE A PLAN TO GET THERE  – Your next step is to turn that vision into a plan.

A plan takes the overwhelm out of the process. By creating actionable steps, you break down the bigger goal into baby steps. Your baby steps will ultimately lead you to your end goal, but won’t trigger your nervous system to freak out at how daunting the overall vision feels. A strategy takes the scary, overwhelm and makes the dream doable.

Instead of having to become someone completely new all at once, and do a whole bunch of things you’ve never done before, it gives you a timeline and strategy that feels less like a leap and more like a crawl. 

Plans allow your body and mind the space to do the work to get ready for each step along the way.

Need help creating a plan, download the BECOMING Quarterly Journal and Planner to get started!


Also, check out this article: The 5 Key Elements of the Perfect Business Plan to create a perfect-for-you business plan to turn your big business dreams into simple steps to focus on daily.

3. DEVELOP NEW HABITS – The new you, doing new things requires you to step out of your normal routine and adopt new habits that are more aligned with where you are going.

Your new habits should become part of your daily routine.  New habits are HARD! They require you to do new activities that either feel uncomfortable or require you to change up how you normally do things.

For instance, if you are starting a business, your new habit may be posting on social media everyday or writing an email to your list every Monday. If you are on a health and wellness journey, it may be working out 4 days a week even when it’s hard and you don’t feel like it. 

Your norm will need to change. It’s easy to make excuses and go back to NOT doing those things, but ultimately, the vision outside of your comfort zone can only happen with a commitment and consistency. Commit to learning new habits!

4. TAKE BOLD ACTIONGetting outside of your comfort zone REQUIRES you to take action even when it feels uncomfortable. 

There will never be the “right time.” Bold action is scary, BUT doesn’t have to be big leaps. They can be and should be small steps. Your plan should be broken down into bite sized pieces over time, so you can focus on overcoming fears piece by piece while also learning and growing. 

I like to take action from the mindset that I’ve already achieved what I desire. Confident that I will one day KNOW what I am doing and it won’t always be scary. 

Your actions = personal growth and professional growth. Just remember that! You can’t grow without action!

5. CONTINUE TO BELIEVE IN YOUR VISION Getting outside of your comfort zone REQUIRES you to do the inner work, to work on your mindset daily.  

New adventures spark all types of limiting beliefs – fear of failure, imposter syndrome, fear of judgment. 

This is where shifting from a fixed mindset, to a growth mindset will make all the difference. When you can see difficult tasks, new ways of doing things, things that you are afraid of embarking on as lessons to learn from and put you in the growth zone, you take back the power and and your fears have less of a hold over you. 

When you can ROOT deep into your vision, know WHY you are taking new uncomfortable action, know where it will lead you to, it will help you take the focus off of the fears and limiting beliefs and give you a boost of confidence and motivation.

Want help doing the inner work to build your confidence and fearlessness to create your dream life and business, book a free 30 minute Momentum Call and let’s chat about next steps for you!

6. START NETWORKING WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE WHAT YOU DESIRE Networking is a great way to start getting comfortable with your new identity –  the you that is expanding her horizons.

Yes, networking can be scary, but it can also always be rewarding. We learn so much from connecting with others. Expanding your personal and professional network is where we expand our knowledge, experiences, perspectives, and confidence. It’s where you find the support and motivation and help to do new things. 

So, join entrepreneur groups if you want to start a business, fitness groups if you want to start working out more or run a marathon, or Meet-Up groups in the new city you moved to. You never know who you will meet and what new opportunities will open up for you! 

7. BE OPEN TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES THAT MAY GET YOU TO YOUR GOALS AND BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE  – It is a guarantee that when you do new things, and you get out of the current “box” you are operating from, new opportunities will open up for you.

Courageous acts lead to exciting new adventures. You build new skills, new capabilities, new knowledge, new experiences, that you can move through life with. 

With more confidence, your possibilities become limitless. Be open to new invitations, new experiences. Start saying yes to things you used to say no to only because you were afraid. With your new growth mindset, you know that taking the leap will be another great learning lesson.

8. PUT IT ALL ON REPEATKeep taking one step at a time. Consistency makes getting outside of your comfort zone more like the learning zone. 

You are being shaped to see things from different perspectives. Your new habits are becoming your normal routines. You start to build a sense of security. 

The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you will spark fresh ideas and invite in new opportunities and new situations that expand you. Your world becomes bigger. You become more confident, and your life starts to look more like what you envision.

Keep putting your habits, new beliefs, and thoughts on repeat. Lead yourself each day consistently and watch how your “box” starts to take new shape. Your vision starts to become your reality.

Need help staying consistent with your thoughts and actions? Download The Daily Reflections Journal page and start your day with the three journal questions that will help you not only feel unstoppable, but also transform your life completely!

It is an AMAZING feeling when you step outside of your comfort zone and start to experience another side of what you are capable of. 

 We can’t get to new visions and goals without getting uncomfortable and the more you get comfortable trying new things, the more experience, opportunities and possibilities open up for you!

Today, think about your next goals and dreams, and think about the leaps you are ready to take. Then follow the 8 steps to getting outside of your comfort zone and enjoy the journey!

Next Steps:

Ready to stop sitting on the sidelines and finally feel confident, take bold action, and transform your dream life and business into reality? Book a free 30 minute MOMENTUM CALL where we will dive into where you are right now, what is holding you back, and create a plan to work on your mindset and a strategy to roadmap of action steps to get you where you desire to be.