6 Ways to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset

When I was in college, I used to walk to the Metropolitan Museum of Art almost everyday. I was studying art history at the time, and I was in awe of what people were able to create. How a blank canvas, or a chunk of marble could become something just by someone having a vision and making it come to life.

The sculptures were the most fascinating to me. One of my art assignments was to go study the Kouros sculpture. I would stare at it thinking some person took some stone in 500 BC and just started chiseling away with some ancient instrument and created what was in his mind.

So fascinating!

But really, is it?

Our minds create EVERYTHING we desire. Literally everything ever created started in someone’s mind. (Well, except the universe and the planets and stars, but you know what I’m getting at.)

Our minds are the most powerful instrument in what we experience in our lives. They not only create our visions, they create the stories we tell ourselves and those stories, in turn, are what impact the actions we do or do not take.

When I was learning to drive my great aunt said to me that the car can be very dangerous and I have to be very careful and have the utmost respect for it and how I drive.

That same premise goes for our minds. Our minds are POWERFUL instruments. They can be dangerous or magical. We have to be careful how we use our mind, what we fuel our minds with, and how we operate it because of the big impact it can have. We have to have the utmost respect for our minds.

Here is my question for you: What are you feeding your mind? Are you living in an abundance mindset or a scarcity mindset?

Do you tend to have more thoughts around what is going wrong, all that you’re missing, what isn’t working out for you? Or more thoughts about all the possibilities, how things are moving forward, and how you are moving TOWARDS your goals?

Your answer will give you all the information you need to shed light on why you are experiencing what you are experiencing currently in your life.

As humans we either adopt a fixed mindset (where we stay stuck in our current thoughts, feel this is just how it is, that what we have around us is all we are meant to have or capable of achieving), or a growth mindset (where we are always learning, shifting and changing, and our experiences continue to bring us new opportunities and possibilities.)

We tend to lean towards a fixed mindset because past experiences, the limiting beliefs and stories we continue to tell ourselves, or because we adopted that mindset based on the mindset of our families, friends, and communities we surround ourselves with.

A fixed mindset keeps us in a scarcity mindset – feeling like there is not enough, that we don’t have enough knowledge, skills, or money.

A growth mindset keeps us in an abundance mindset – there is always more, we are more than enough already, there are endless possibilities, we have enough skills, knowledge, experiences, money and there is even more available for us. That we are capable of more success and more financial abundance. That we are never stuck where we are.

You are never stuck in a fixed mindset or scarcity mindset. You always have the opportunity to shift into a growth mindset, afterall at the core, all it is a different perspective, and it takes time and consistent effort to make that switch, but eventually, you can rewire your brain to see your situation differently.

For many of us, scarcity mindset feels natural because it has been our “natural” state for so long. Let’s take a moment to understand our belief systems and where our current mindset comes from.

How our mind currently sees the world and our life is based on the cumulation of conditioning from society and influences around us, and our lifetime of experiences. As we go through life, what we experience, feel, hear and learn from others, start to mold our limiting beliefs.

You may even find that some of your beliefs aren’t really yours, but you’ve heard them so many times from people around you, that you just started to believe them.

I used to have a belief that you can’t have money and good health at the same time. That limited mindset around money, came from a family member who used to say it all the time.

I used to think health was more valuable than money and that the universe would only give you one of those. You couldn’t have both.

I also held onto the belief that money was scarce and I could only earn a limited amount and that once I had money it was fleeting and would disappear easily, that I should hold on tightly to any money I received because more may not flow my way.

Once again this thinking came from a family member.

I also believed that I had to have a 9-5 corporate job with a set salary and benefits, because it was the only way to have security. Once again, a belief I adopted as I grew up, keeping me stuck in the limiting opportunities for me for my career and money.

In turn, all these limiting beliefs lead me to a scarcity mentality.

What happens is we build an internal filtering system made up of those beliefs, so we start to see every situation based on limitations.

Over time, they just feel like natural thoughts based in fact because you created “evidence” of lack everywhere with every experience you had in the past where you told the story based around the filter of lack – you didn’t get the promotion because you LACKED skills, your boyfriend broke up with you because you LACKED something, you never have enough money in the bank so you never will.

A scarcity mindset will always limit the actions you take. You’ll talk yourself out of considering opportunities, you’ll stop as soon as something doesn’t go as planned or didn’t work out. You’ll find all the reasons why you can’t go out after your goals and dreams.

It’s an energy drain.

BUT, an abundance mentality will keep you moving forward. It brings its own momentum and energy. 

You’ll see how even the smallest step forward is bringing you closer to where you want to go. You’ll see missteps as learning opportunities. You’ll believe that you are enough, have enough and know enough to get started, and you’ll start to focus on all you DO have and make a plan honoring all your qualifications.

You CAN overcome scarcity thinking and step into and adopt a growth mindset moving forward.

It will take time. I mean, you didn’t develop a scarcity mindset overnight, but a few small practices everyday will start to rewire your brain. It might feel a little like brainwashing at first, but eventually your old thought patterns will no longer fit. They won’t feel right. They won’t fit the new mindset you’ve created.

Your nervous system will feel uncomfortable with new thought patterns and try to prove to you with past “evidence” that all is not abundant, but over time, you will start building new evidence that will replace your limiting beliefs.

This is about replacing negative self-talk with new thoughts, beliefs and mindset shifts.

Like with any new habits, you need to practice this new mindset everyday. Stop yourself when your thought patterns waver, and reframe your thinking. Like building muscle, you’ll feel weak at first, but over time, your mind will strengthen and you’ll go longer between negative thought patterns.

So, you might be wondering HOW to get this magic moving, here are some powerful practical steps to take each day that will help you shift into and lead with an abundance mindset. 

6 Ways to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset

abundance mindset tips

1. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude and Abundance Journaling

This may sound so simplistic and it might trigger an eye roll for you. I get it. When I was first told to start focusing on gratitude, I was queen of the eye rolls. I was also so steeped in negativity, I put Negative Nelly to shame. Everything around me just “wasn’t enough.” Everything I did, everything I had, every dollar I earned. Everything that happened to me in my life and business was just a sign that I was lacking or that my dreams weren’t meant to be, or that something was wrong with me.

What I know now is that the act of shifting your mindset, to seeing abundance, to experiencing abundance isn’t in something that happens in your external world, it’s what happens in your internal world.

If you can spend 5 minutes each day writing down what you are grateful for and how you are ALREADY abundant….That’s 5 minutes your mind started practicing a new thought pattern, shifting your perspective, introducing a new filter you can see your world through.

Think what happens in the minutes afterwards. It becomes a domino effect. It also gives you an awareness of how these GOOD thoughts feel so when negative ones creep in, you can intentionally look for the gratitude and positive in what you are experiencing in a rough moment.

The truth is that there is an abundance of good things happening in your life everyday, you just need to train your mind to focus on them.

Something magical that happens with a gratitude and abundance practice is that overtime your list that may have been hard to create in the beginning with only maybe a handful of items listed, becomes a longer and longer list, not necessarily because more great things happened, but your filter changed and you can now SEE more of the abundance and magic around you.

Gratitude journaling is a POWERFUL TOOL in your arsenal of mindset shifting activities.

To start, grab a journal (you can also buy a gratitude journal to make it easy for you!) and each morning and/or each evening, ask yourself these two questions:

1. What am I grateful for today?

2. How am I already abundant? (You can also phrase this as: How my life is already filled with abundance:)

Then make a list of things that come to mind. Do a brain dump!

Commit to do this every day for at least 90 days. Even, and especially when you’re struggling and feeling very negative or down. Start to see how your life just FEELS so differently, and how you start to see more opportunities and possibilities around you.

Download the daily morning reflection page to use each morning for your gratitude and abundance practice.

2. Analyze and shift your network of friends

You’ve probably heard the saying that you are the average of the people you surround yourself with. There’s something to this. Energy impacts energy. We are so easily influenced by the people around us. We embody their beliefs, we feed off negativity, we start to see situations the way they see them, we seek out their advice on how to approach situations or take action.

Obviously, you want to surround yourself with the people that will be the BIGGEST influence on you and your life. You get to decide how you want to be influenced.

If you have big dreams and are excited to go after them, but you are surrounding yourself with people that are too afraid to make changes, or don’t believe you can be successful, their scarcity mindset will start impacting how you think and the actions you do or don’t take.

Now, you don’t have to ghost all your friends and throw them by the wayside, but actively seek out social connections that are positive influences -networking groups, facebook groups, or events and situations where you can surround yourself and connect with like minded individuals. Start by asking yourself how you want to think, who you want to become, and then find groups where people that think and take action and approach life in that way are hanging out.

What may happen is that you start to outgrow your current circle. And that’s OK!

The most important thing is that you start to BECOMING the woman you desire to be, that you are taking bolder actions, and creating the life you desire. The rest won’t matter in the long run.

3. Personal Development Routines

I know. I know. We’ve all heard so much about personal development, but here is an easy way of thinking about it….everything I am sharing with you today is personal development. It is all about your personal growth. It is developing you into who you are becoming. This is where you find the mediums that will trigger that transformation and growth. You get to choose what works for you. It might be networking, listening to motivational podcasts, say positive affirmations, reading motivational books, meditating, journaling.

Remember, if you want professional growth in your business or career, it all starts with your personal growth first! YOU are the creator of your professional life and that means you have to be in the healthiest mindset to get there.

This is about setting the INTENTION to shift your thought patterns. Hearing or reading information will help you grow and expand, help you release fears, and see your world differently.

As we talked about before, our current thought patterns and scarcity mindset come from a lifetime of embodying limiting thoughts we learned through our experiences, heard from family and friends, and from societal conditioning. To rewire those thoughts, it will take consistently retraining our brains to hear and learn new ways of thinking.

Today, find 3-4 ways personal development mediums to practice daily. Start with gratitude journaling, and then decide what others things feel right for you to commit to doing for at least 90 days until they become a habit

4. Visualization/Vision Journaling

For me, this one is HUGE! Your vision is like the destination you put into a GPS. You have to know where you are going so you can find the best route to get there.

When you can routinely take time to connect to your vision, you will continue to remind yourself of what is most important – thoughts, beliefs and actions. You can’t get to where you’re going by doing the things you are doing now, believing the same beliefs and thinking the same thoughts. If you could…you would already be there.

Get to know the YOU in your visualization. Ask yourself:

  • Who is she?
  • What does she believe about herself? 
  • What thoughts does she lead with everyday?
  • What habits does she adopt?

She didn’t get to where you’re going while living in scarcity mindset. She had to grow and change and be open to things going right and wrong along the way. But no matter what, that future version of you arrived at the destination.

By visualizing what you are doing in the future, you can bring yourself back to intentional actions and abundance thoughts that will get you there.

You can either close your eyes and visualize what you are doing in the future, create a vision board you look at continuously, or you can grab your journal and write out your vision story. No matter what way you decide, be consistent. Reconnect to it often, so you don’t forget where you are going and to remind yourself you are NOT stuck where you are now.

5. Show Yourself Grace

This might be one of the hardest ones, because we are always so hard on ourselves! But, what if you imagined that you are just a 5 year old version of yourself. How would you speak to her? How would you encourage her? What would you tell her when things don’t go as planned or you’re having a bad day? 

Growing and change, shifting your thought patterns, becoming who you desire to be, creating the life you desire is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to keep a positive mindset at all times especially since most of us have been conditioned not to be, to honor our fears over the possibilities.

That’s why it’s so important to take a breath when you are feeling crappy or negative. Wait for the emotion to subside. Be kind to yourself. Honor the journey. And yeah, hold a temper tantrum for 5 minutes, and then go distract yourself until your inner emotions and mindset chill out.

Emotions feed what you think and believe. Try not to feed your mind when you are FEELING down. Let the wave pass. Then take action and make decisions when you are feeling calmer and can get in a more positive state of mind.

6. Hire a Coach

This one is how I made the most drastic transformations in my mindset. Now, don’t get me wrong, you can totally shift to more abundant thought patterns on your own, but to accelerate the experience, a coach is TRAINED to zone in on where your thinking is getting in your way.

Most of us stay STUCK in negative thought patterns for a long time (sometimes years!) before we can shift our mindset enough to take bold action. A coach helps you flip the switch SO much faster.

Here’s why: Your scarcity mindset is entangled and tethered to a lifetime of stories you’ve told yourself and “evidence” you’ve created in your mind. It’s not just about changing a thought, it’s releasing the story and the evidence so that the new beliefs can root themselves freely into your mind, nervous system and energy. 

A coach is trained to hone into the stories you’ve been telling yourself and to help RETELL that story, so that it becomes a lesson and not a stumbling block. Once released from that story, it no longer holds you hostage to that negative thinking and limiting beliefs.

Once you clean up your mindset and energy, the rest is the easy part.

If you want to learn more about hiring a mindset coach, book a free Momentum Call with me and let’s chat about how we can ignite your confidence, shift your mindset and align you to your wildest dreams!

Book now!

 Phew! I know that was alot of info about shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset, but this shift will be the trigger to transform your life and business!

Set some time to do some intentional work around your mindset and you’ll find your confidence ignite and you’ll be unstoppable!

ACtion item

Download the complete BECOMING Quarterly Journal and Planner to combine ignite your abundance mindset with your daily planning all in one place.