3 Confidence Building Journal Prompts For Women in Business

I’m a big classic TV fan. My mom, sister, and I used to sit down and watch all the old classics – I Love Lucy, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie. 

I used to wish I could twitch my nose, or fold my arms and nod, and then “VOILA!” whatever I wanted would appear.

No work required.

No planning.

No trying and failing and trying again.

No falling off the horse and having to get back on again.

No overcoming fears and doubts and old stories.

Let’s admit, we all want to get to our goals and dreams as fast as we can, and that means looking for the shortcuts, loopholes, and quickest route to get there.

A lot of time we look for all the actions and strategies that will give us the quickest results.

And, action is essential to the manifesting formula. If you want to achieve the vision for your life and business, you can’t just sit by on the couch binging netflix and hoping it just falls into your lap.

Life doesn’t work that way, (though it also kind of does when you are truly aligned in how you approach your life and your beliefs, but that’s a conversation for another day!).

As you embark on your business dreams, creating an action plan is only part of the equation. 

The other piece of the puzzle is BECOMING the person that has what she desires.

What do I mean by that? I mean that our actions are fueled by the mindset, thoughts, and energy we lead with every day.

We can take all the action in the world, but if we don’t believe it’s possible, don’t think we know enough or are enough, if we constantly entertain ideas that we are lacking then that will all impact how we take action, our motivation, how aligned our actions are to what we really want, and if we work to overcome our fears and doubts to take action.

How fast, and if we achieve our goals and dreams, is all based on how we LEAD ourselves to what we envision of creating.

The key is that we need to LEAD ourselves. We need to take control. We need to decide the outcome and determine how we need to show up to make it happen.

That all all starts with our mindset and thought patterns.

It starts with deciding what we want to believe. 

It all starts with our intention each and every day – intentional thoughts and actions that we KNOW will get us to where we desire to be.

We need to know who we will be when we achieve our goals and dreams.

Who is that woman? What did she need to believe to make it happen? What actions did she need to take despite any fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs? What habits did she need to commit to?

Habit building is so important. You need to do new things, think new thoughts in order to create something new.

We all know the definition of insanity is to do that same thing over and over again expecting different results.

The habits, thoughts and beliefs you have right now got you to where you are now, but they won’t help you manifest what you desire. They won’t bring you to where you want to go. If they could, you’d already have what you desire.

That’s why if you want to become that most CONFIDENT and FEARLESS woman that has her dream business, dream life, and the freedom, joy, and happiness she greatly desires, you need to make each day count. 

You need to LEAD yourself EACH day. 

Your shortcut is how you intentionally approach each day.

If you are approaching each day focusing on how you don’t have enough in your bank account, how much you don’t have, or how you don’t have all the things other people have, or how no one is following on social media, or you don’t know enough to be successful, or tell yourself it’s not safe to share your knowledge and skills with others, or measure every action against whether you hit your goal or milestone…you’re going to stay stuck where you are. 

You’re going to feel defeated over and over. You’ll procrastinate, lose motivation, won’t show up, and won’t do the work. You won’t see progress because your mind is focused on what you don’t have instead of the mini successes and movement you are making along the way.

BUT, if you train your mind each day to see how much you already have, focus on what you love about your life, how much the Universe has already given to you, you’ll train your brain to see the little milestones that you are achieving, the growth you are experiencing, how you are changing and GETTING closer to where you want to be. 

For a lot of us, it means creating new thought, belief and action habits. Shifting the way we have been leading ourselves and the thoughts we’ve been feeding ourselves every day. 

There are three questions that will naturally shift your energy, and align your actions and habits to what you need to create your goals and dreams. 

These 3 powerful journal prompts I’m sharing with you changed everything for me and my clients. Clients that struggled so much with their limiting beliefs and lack mindset have seen great shifts in their energy, their stress levels, and how quickly they stepped into their dream business just by spending time each morning with these three questions.

I, personally, am naturally a “Negative-Nelly” type person, but these questions have helped me shift my approach to life, how I experience my current life, and helped me create the habits I need to create my dream life – build two businesses, hit 6 figures, build a house, move across country, sell the home I build so I can can have more time and financial freedom. 

Practice these questions each and everyday for 30, 60, 90 days and you will see a drastic shift in what you are experiencing in your life.

If you want a copy of my Daily Reflections Journal page with these three questions, you can download it here!

3 Confidence Building Journal Prompts

1.What am i grateful for? 

Sometimes we are so in the depth of what we DON’T have or how far we are from what we want, that we forget to embrace what we already have. 

There is an invaluable power to leading with gratitude. 

Gratitude is an energy that invites in more of what you want. It ignites an abundant energy.

It opens your heart center, and naturally ignites your mind to focus more on what IS going right, what DOES bring you joy, how much you already have, that your mind starts to focus more on your progress and less on your fears, lack, and missteps.

Journaling through this question in the morning, will automatically put you in a calmer place to start your day. It invites in more patience, and also awareness of your present instead of focusing too much on the past or future. 

When you are journaling through this question, don’t just think of what you are grateful for right now. Borrow gratitude from your future self. 

Journal about what you are grateful for in the future – your future soulmate, your future clients, the new home you are going to live in, the new business or job opportunities coming your way. 

This will help you become a match for what you are creating in your life moving forward.

2. How am I already abundant?

This one is an EXPANSIVE question. Humans have a natural tendency to focus on what is lacking or not having enough or being enough. Both triggered by societal and cultural expectations, and by fear of being weak – a natural survival instinct.

But in reality, we are surrounded by abundance. The Universe itself is LIMITLESS. In fact, did you know that the Universe continues to expand. Literally!  There is ALWAYS always more available. We get so lost in what we don’t have, the next vision or dream, that we sometimes forget about ALL we do have. 

Take a moment to look around your home. Focus on all your furniture. Count how many pieces you have. In this exercise, think about how you acquired each of the pieces. Do this for other things. At some point, you had money to buy the things you had. Each item has a value. Giving you more and more abundance.

Now think of all the other things of abundance – the air you breath, the ideas and creativity you have, the opportunities that the Universe and society offer you, the love and support from family and friends, the potential clients that are out there to work with you.

Sit down and think of all the ways you are and are surrounded by abundance.

You’ll notice that the more and more you journal about gratitude and abundance, the bigger and bigger the lists will grow BECAUSE you are training your brain to filter everything through this new energy and perspective.

3. Who am I today? How will I lead myself? What do I need to believe? What actions do I need to take? What habits am I committing to?

Game changer! Starting your day with these questions moves you from making decisions from where you are now (wanting to be somewhere else) to making decisions based on being somewhere and someone else.

The future version of you.

It’s natural to react to and approach your day based on where you are and what is going on now, but when you shift to acting, reacting, believing and thinking from where you desire to be, your shift what you start to experience and the inner dialogue that fuels your actions.

Your habits are what create your reality. If you want to be a successful business owner, what habits do you need to adopt starting today? Probably not spending 8 hours binging Netflix. But, getting up early to blog, or send an email to your list, or set-up your website – those will be the characteristics of the future version of you owning that successful business.

If you want to be strong, healthy, flexible and energetic, what habits do you need to adopt? Probably not ending your night with a bag of chips, or pushing off another workout till tomorrow. But, blocking out time to go to the gym or do a home strength training workout, and meal prepping your protein and veggies each day – those will be the habits that lead you to that strong healthy body that will allow you to do so much more in life as you get older.

Your thoughts and beliefs got you where you are today, but won’t get you to where you desire to be and who you desire to become. 

You have to decide what the future you believes and things everyday. And check your thoughts throughout the day to ensure they align not with the thoughts and beliefs you are used to nurturing, but the ones that you desire to be natural and wired into your mind, body and nervous system.


Practice = embodiment. The more you practice the thoughts, beliefs, and habits, the more they become WHO YOU ARE!

So, go buy yourself a new journal and start leading your day with these questions (even when you don’t want to! Remember your consistent habits create your results!) Give yourself 30, 60, 90 days of doing this every morning, then see how things have shifted in your life and business.

journal prompts for ambitious women

Next Steps:

Download the complete BECOMING Quarterly Journal and Planner to combine your daily journaling and daily planning all in one place.